Sunrise to Sunset
S4 Protects your skin, wherever your Outdoor adventures Take you!
Pure Mineral Sunscreen
The two most common ingredients in mineral sunscreens, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, are the only sunscreen ingredients generally recognized as safe and effective by the FDA.
Unlike chemical sunscreens, which typically take 20 to 30 minutes to absorb into the skin, mineral sunscreens offer immediate protection — no waiting needed. Mineral sunscreens can also be applied on top of makeup and other skin-care products.
S4 Sport is a natural, lightweight sunscreen with a quick dry application. It has a maximum FDA water resistance rating of 80 minutes. S4 Sport delivers optimal year round protection to all outdoor athletes.
S4 Suncare is a Pure Physical Sunscreen company
- S4 DOES NOT use chemical UV absorbers or filters. Ever. S4 sunscreens ONLY use Zinc and Titanium as active ingredients. These metals are natural, photostable sunblocks that will never breakdown in the presence of UV radiation.
- S4 Sport is FDA approved to last 80 minutes under constant water exposure, and field-tested by extreme athletes.
- S4 is a celebration of the outdoor life and sunshine — year round. Our products protect, correct and maintain your skin’s optimal health. Take us on your next adventure!
What makes S4 different?
- S4 Sport is Broad Spectrum
- S4 Sport is loaded with Antioxidants
- S4 Sport is Free of ALL Chemical UV Filters and Absorbers
- S4 Sport is FDA approved water resistant for 80 minutes
- S4 Sport is Paraben Free, Sulfate Free, Petrolatum Free, Dye Free
- S4 Sport is Reef Safe
PURE PHYSICAL means that the only active ingredients used in S4 Sport are Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide, or a combination of both. These are natural minerals, hence the “PURE” for natural and “PHYSICAL” for minerals.


What does PURE PHYSICAL mean?
S4 uses only Pure Physical actives. This means the active ingredients are only Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide or a combination of both. S4 does not use Chemical UV filters or absorbers. S4 formulates with only the best ingredients for your protection.

What does Reef Safe Mean?
Reef Safe and biodegradable claims on sunscreens are unregulated and have been controversial. There have been claims that chemical sunscreens have been partially responsible for bleaching coral reefs. These claims are difficult to conclusively prove, but no one wants to contribute to bleaching our coral reefs.

What does SPF Mean?
The SPF (Sun Protection Factor) measures the UVB – that is the burning rays/ shorter rays. UVB affects the outer layer of skin, the epidermis, and is responsible for your tan lines and sunburns. It is most intense between 10:00 and 2:00 when the sun is brightest and closest to Earth. UVB does not penetrate glass.

Why use sunscreen in the winter?
Even in the winter, you should wear sunscreen daily to prevent cumulative sun exposure and the resulting fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, and even skin cancer. S4 is broad spectrum, which means full coverage, including UVA protection.